Side Event for Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights.

Created on 03 Nov 2022

Sexual and reproductive health issues are things we shy away from as a people, religious institutions, family, and the society at large but what we fail to understand that is it a part of us and young people are explorative and influenced easily.

Good sexual a reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system. It therefore implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life, the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. Thus, to maintain one’s sexual health and reproductive health, people need to access correct and accurate information and safe, effective, affordable and acceptable contraception method of their choice. In relations to our young people, they need to be informed and empowered to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections and when they decide to have children, these young people must have access to skilled healthcare providers and services that can help them have a fit pregnancy, safe birth and healthy baby. Every individual has the right to make their own choices about their sexual and reproductive health.

The aim of this session was to investigate the sexual and reproductive health issues in Africa.  Brain Muyunga facilitated group discussion were he identified key areas such as HIV which is currently on the rise in Africa and new infections are recorded daily, the rate of sexual and gender-based violence which has become alarming in our society, teenage pregnancies among African youths. Based on this introduction, the group was divided into small groups of 10 which interacted on the key areas. 

During the presentation by the groups, issues surrounding sexual and reproductive health were identified such as rape, violence such as emotional, physical and verbal, abortion, sexually transmitted infection, drug abuse and misuse, lack of correct and consistent use of contraceptive, and depression.

The youths further made recommendations which include but not limited to;

Establishing of a holistic youth friendly centers, these centers will enable youth to discuss freely about their sexual and reproductive health, access health services and make informed decisions without being stigmatized.

Making contraceptive option available for youths and sensitive counseling.

Policies should be enacted by all religion as Sexual and reproductive health issues cannot be over emphasized

Having youths piloting the affairs of educational awareness on sexual and reproductive health and comprehensive sexuality education across Africa

The church needs to take sexual and reproductive health campaign to a higher level because we cannot continue to live in denial while our youths are faced with so many challenges as regards to their sexual and reproductive health. 

Finally, if we are serious about good health and well-being for all Africans especially the youths by 2030, and making Africa a prosperous continent with healthy citizens by 2063 then the Religious leaders, gatekeepers, parents, government and all stakeholders must work hand in hand with these young people to reverse the trend of sexual and reproductive health issues facing our continents.

Dr. Goodness Ene-Bongilli